Song of the Day: Japandroids, “Fire’s Highway”

We’re in the midst of moving into our new office. Things are hectic. We leave the door open to let the paint fumes escape, and play music to drop the silence. In a way, both actions help us breathe a little bit better.
Japandroids, hailing from Vancouver, British Columbia, made a gigantic splash in 2012 with their full-length Celebration Rock. I’ll just go ahead and quote myself here, because it’s Friday:
“We’d lost our way. Rock ‘n roll was originally designed for catharsis, tailor-made to elicit the kind of uninhibited release no other genre of music can. Somewhere, it became less about escape and more about restraint and what could easily fit inside a concise, marketable box. The reason Celebration Rock hit so many different kinds of people so hard in 2012 is that it’s pure id, pure exuberance, but not an entirely canned, dumbed-down listening experience. That, or because it’s really loud and fun to sing along to.”
Have a great weekend, everyone.
—Bryne Yancey