Your Most Difficult Choice?

[threecol_one]We’d like to know, what was your most difficult choice? We are compiling a video survey, and we invite you to tell us what choice you’ve made that has impacted your life.
Button TextWith all the ways to utilize YouTube, we’d like stir up a conversation and get people thinking about the choices they make. We believe that every choice has implications – negative or positive; minute or immense. We make a series of choices in each moment of the day, each one with levels of importance which we may never know.
Yet what we are focusing on is not the everyday choice. Maybe choosing your breakfast was difficult, but we believe that every person has a defining moment in life, a fork in the road where we must decide which path to follow.
Our lives are our own, but the sum of our decisions is something much greater. Our community is created by the choices of individuals, and we’d like to examine society by examining those choices. So, if you feel so compelled, submit your most difficult choice to us via YouTube/Vimeo link. It could be video from your phone or computer, you don’t need to add fancy production (but if you’d like to, that’s okay too). We will also be filming around the Philadelphia area, asking people about their most difficult choices at city landmarks like LOVE Park, City Hall and the Art Museum.
We aren’t sure what we will uncover with this project, but we hope it makes you question. Remember, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”
Or leave your “choice” in a comment below (it may contain a YouTube or Vimeo link)…
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