Hashtag President Craig Kaplan Featured In Philly Style Magazine
Here’s the page featuring Hashtag Multimedia President Craig Kaplan from the October issue of Philadelphia Style Magazine.
Case Study: My Philadelphia Story
To raise visibility and awareness for an uniquely Philadelphian art project while securing interesting submissions that will eventually be a permanent part of the installation. Matthew Alden Price and Won Kyoung Lee have created a piece of artwork – a 20-foot-long shadow box packed with found and fabricated objects, each a pocket-size artifact of life […]
Working for Free, is it Worth it?
Recently there has been a lot of discussion throughout LinkedIn about working for free. We are all well acquainted with the practice of hiring unpaid interns, but there is another, more veiled practice that seems to be happening more and more. This is when companies post a full-time staff position that is actually a smoke screen for free advice. […]
Challenge Yourself
I’ve always liked a good challenge; in fact, that’s how this LinkedIn article came into existence. A friend suggested I write one every month. This is my fifth consecutive submission. Each month is a new challenge; sometimes I know what I want to write about at the beginning of the month and other times it […]